Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Walking Along the Road

You wouldn't think that walking along the side of the road on a leash would be a major feat for a dog but... when you are Thea it is a miracle!

Today Thea wanted to go out the front door. She has become wonderfully curious about what is beyond her boundries... the bathroom, the laundry room, the dining room, the garage, the front door. So, today I clipped the leash on her and said... "Let's go" and walked right out the front door with her. Don't get me wrong, she was a bit jumpy but she walked down the sidewalk to the decorative stone, walked over that to the grass, came back over the driveway and walked right down to the street. She sniffed the garage door, the plants, the grass and the cars but she kept going!

Thea has a bad habit of trying to bite on her leash. She sits back on her bum with the leash in her mouth as if to say... Ut, uh, not doing that. But, today she did very little leash biting. She actually seemed to enjoy walking with me.

I think there is hope for our sad little girl.

Oh, did I mention, she has a gouge in her ear. Perhaps she got into a fight with another dog, perhaps she was abused by a human but her poor pointed ear is more like a forked ear. It just makes her all the more beautiful! What a sweet, precious, brave girl she is.

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